Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How can we prevent crime?

Yes it is impossible to reduce and stop all of crime behavior but what we can do is try to eliminate the causes of crime. People need honest employment and a living wage in order to stay healthy and alive. Tens of thousands of people are addicted to deadly and or illegal drugs. Hundreds of violent gangs are selling those drugs to any person who has money and in other cases to children. They will be the future customers of those criminals. Drug addicts are usually unemployed, and get their money from committing acts of crime. Law enforcement should be more aggressive in the quest for criminals. The average wages for low income families or individuals should be between 18 and 20 thousand, this would give them enough money for a place to live and get all necessities needed like food and clothes. This will prevent people from being on the street and feeling like the only way to survive is to commit crime. Limitatons would be money!! Welfare should not be given out to people who are suitable to work, but i do believe they could be on welfare until they make a decent amount of money to be stable. They should not abuse it though, people on wlefare should be regulated! Money will always be an issue if people abuse it. Welfare should not be as easily given away there should be a process in which a candidate needs to follow.


  1. I agree that people on welfare shouldn't be able to abuse it, I think they should be checked up on regularly to see if they are atleast attempting to get a job and create a better life for themselves. I think people who are put on welfare just see it as an easy way out and become lazy, which in turn causes them to get bored which could cause them to commit crime purely out of boredom.

  2. This is what I mean when I say legalize drugs. If drugs are legalized, then these gangs will basically lose a large sum of the money they make. If drugs have regulations put on them then it wouldn't be that big of a problem.

  3. i agree with your statement because drugs do have a very big impact on the crime in throughout the country and that drug addicts are one of the most likley citizens to commit crime because they need the money to buy there drugs or they need goods to sell for drug money. I also agree with your statment on welfare ant that the people on welfare should not be able too abuse it.

  4. The only problem with that is that people won't put forth an effort to try and change their lives. They want some one to do it for them and that is what welfare is doing. So that they don't have to do it on their own. They see it as a ticket out so that they don't have to do anything. They abuse it too much and i think that welfare should be cut down so that people will realize that it is not always going to be there for them.
