Thursday, April 8, 2010


In order to reduce the size and number of gangs and prevent teens from joining we could put in act more curfew laws for people under the age of 18. This will prevent teen involvement of gangs at night and keep them safe. Although this may be very difficult knowing that gang members are on the move 24/7 always trying to gain new members. Youth forums at churches and community centers will not work, no one would want to show up or even be associated. Bringing these forums to school could work forcing students to attend assemblies during school hours. Students might not pay attention but guaranteed someone would listen. Legalization of drugs would hurt the success and income of gang members but would negatively effect teens. Teens would get involved and not be focused on school activities it would be way too easily available to children of all ages. Personally I do not think gangs will ever cease to exist.

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