Thursday, April 8, 2010


In order to reduce the size and number of gangs and prevent teens from joining we could put in act more curfew laws for people under the age of 18. This will prevent teen involvement of gangs at night and keep them safe. Although this may be very difficult knowing that gang members are on the move 24/7 always trying to gain new members. Youth forums at churches and community centers will not work, no one would want to show up or even be associated. Bringing these forums to school could work forcing students to attend assemblies during school hours. Students might not pay attention but guaranteed someone would listen. Legalization of drugs would hurt the success and income of gang members but would negatively effect teens. Teens would get involved and not be focused on school activities it would be way too easily available to children of all ages. Personally I do not think gangs will ever cease to exist.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment could be an effective detterant to crime but not in all cases. Yes I do believe some people deserve to live with their mistakes no matter how much money they cost us to keep them in jail. Why wouldn't we make someone suffer and have their rights taken away and realize what they me the death penalty can be seen as an easy way out. In some cases the death penalty is appropriate, someone who is uncooperative and is a complete threat to everyone in contact. Murderers could be put on death row because they took someone elses life, people who do not commit violent crimes do not deserve the death penalty, incarceration, jail time, probation, parole are all suitable punishments. What really shocked me in the findings is seeing that more whites are on death row and executed than blacks. This perception is due to the fact of stereotypes in society. On the news you mainly see crimes about the city and blacks. The methods of the death penalty were also shocking before researching this topic i never knew that gas, hanging, or firing squad were legal acts of the death penalty.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Insanity Defense

Personally I believe the insanity defense law is a good law as long as it is not abused. A Psychotic patient should have history and records of psychotic behavior. If there is no history and this was the first act of insanity then there should be tests to prove their plea. Insanity should be considered in criminal cases for those who are truly INSANE!....not people addicted to Twinkies or people trying to find an easy way out and get lucky. Insanity is constituted as someone who does not know their actions were wrong. Someone who is not insane knows their rights and wrongs. Andrea Yates deserves to be in a mental institution with high security for the rest of her life. I would not feel safe if I lived in society with her. Who is to say that she is not a harm to society? This raises the huge question of WHAT IF?! No one can prove that she will not relapse or harm other people, she could think that killing other people would only help them....hence the reason why her children are dead. Andrea Yates does not however deserve the death penalty. Make her realize what she did and make her live with it, the death penalty is just and easy way out.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How can we prevent crime?

Yes it is impossible to reduce and stop all of crime behavior but what we can do is try to eliminate the causes of crime. People need honest employment and a living wage in order to stay healthy and alive. Tens of thousands of people are addicted to deadly and or illegal drugs. Hundreds of violent gangs are selling those drugs to any person who has money and in other cases to children. They will be the future customers of those criminals. Drug addicts are usually unemployed, and get their money from committing acts of crime. Law enforcement should be more aggressive in the quest for criminals. The average wages for low income families or individuals should be between 18 and 20 thousand, this would give them enough money for a place to live and get all necessities needed like food and clothes. This will prevent people from being on the street and feeling like the only way to survive is to commit crime. Limitatons would be money!! Welfare should not be given out to people who are suitable to work, but i do believe they could be on welfare until they make a decent amount of money to be stable. They should not abuse it though, people on wlefare should be regulated! Money will always be an issue if people abuse it. Welfare should not be as easily given away there should be a process in which a candidate needs to follow.